
Navigating Sexual Desire, the Natural Way

A common yet taboo topic that affects the lives of many individuals worldwide is that of sexual wellness. While speaking about one’s sexual problems or doubts can be quite intimidating, it is necessary to overcome the stigma and seek the right treatment. Sexual desire, or a lack thereof, is a prevalent issue that affects relationships, self-esteem, and health. Several people around the globe have experienced problems with their sexual wellness but remain clueless as to how they can overcome them.

According to statistics, 52% of 40–70 -year-old men suffer from varying degrees of sexual dysfunction. Another study highlighted that the prevalence of low sexual desire ranged from 26.7% among premenopausal women to 52.4% among naturally menopausal women. Additionally, close to 15% of couples worldwide are affected by sexual disharmony. With these statistics, we understand that problems associated with sexual wellness are common. But the good news is that a majority of these issues are completely treatable. Before we find out how, let’s look at the common problems in the realm of sexual wellness.

What causes sexual problems?

Low libido and a decline in sex drive are the most common issues reported by men and women worldwide. A person experiencing low libido may not feel sexual desire or feels less sexually driven as compared to before. A decrease in sex drive may be temporary or permanent, but one must assess why they are experiencing this in the first place. Some of the most common reasons associated with low libido in men and women are stress, fear or anxiety around sex, fluctuating hormone levels, alcohol or drug use, mental health issues, and certain medications.

Sexual wellness is still an uncomfortable topic for many. Men and women often wonder, “how to talk to my partner about low desire?”. If you feel like you are experiencing a drop in your sex drive, it is best to consult with a sex therapist or sexual wellness professional. An experienced therapist can guide you through your sexual health problems and help you identify supplements for low libido and even offer relationship tips for mismatched libido. Talking about your concerns with a qualified professional will help you identify the root cause and help you feel comfortable discussing what you are looking to achieve.

Alternative solutions to increase libido

Nature offers plenty of solutions for several human ailments. A lot of people are uncomfortable with taking allopathic medications to treat their low libido. In such cases, they can opt for natural remedies that can help increase libido. You may have heard of aphrodisiacs like oysters and chocolate, which are known to get people ‘in the mood’. But, there a bigger science to this. Foods that boost sex drive, such as oysters and certain meats are known to contain compounds like zinc, carnitine, and L-arginine. These compounds are effective in increasing blood flow, which is crucial for sexual response in both men and women. Other food options include fruits rich in flavonoids, red wine, and nitrate-rich vegetables.

Another excellent remedy to improve sex drive is homeopathic treatment. Homeopathic remedies follow the natural route, which means that the medicines are all derived naturally from plants, minerals, and animal products. A homeopathic practitioner can discuss your issues with you, identify the problem, and treat it with a remedy that is completely suited to your needs. A lot of medical experts prescribe homeopathy because of how safe it is. As the components are derived from nature, there is no risk of adverse side effects, making it the ideal choice for many individuals.

Some of the most common homeopathic remedies for low sex drive are Lycopodium clavatum, Agnus castus, and Selenium Metallicum. These remedies can treat a variety of issues such as low libido, sexual stamina, and lack of arousal.

Homeopathic remedies are individual-focused and can be taken alongside other treatments as well. A qualified homeopathic practitioner can help you identify the right remedy to address your concerns.

Don’t let sexual desire problems affect your relationships and confidence. If you are looking for natural ways to increase libido, homeopathy is definitely the right choice for you. Hevert India’s stand-out product, ‘Hevert Sutra Relief’ is a supplement that can help you boost your sex drive and feel more confident in your sexual performance. Contact us today to know more.

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