Frequently Asked Questions

Hevert Stomach Relief tablets are used in neurovegetative or stress-related gastric disorders for the natural regulation of disturbed gastric function (e.g. cramping stomach complaints, flatulence, bloating, nausea, heartburn). There are no known interactions with e.g. proton pump inhibitors, antacids or NSAIDs.
Yes, 3 active ingredients in this complex act on nausea: Nux vomica, Ipecacuanha and Carbo vegetabilis.
Thank you for your questions and the interest in Stress Relief. Stress Relief can be taken along with conventional medicines, such as SSRI. Interactions with allopathic medicines are not known. Valeriana may interact with CNS depressant substances such as benzodiazepines. However, only as a concentrated herbal extract. In Stress Relief Valeriana is present as a homeopathic attenuation D2, so such interactions are not expected. In the Stress Relief study, measuring increasing alpha wave intensity in the brain, there was no investigation on the pharmacological mode of action. Therefore we cannot say which receptors are triggered by the active ingredients of Stress Relief.
Stress Relief all: This is a well-known phenomenon. We speak of the so-called reversal reaction or first worsening. If there is an intolerance to valerian, this medication is unsuitable. (Valerian can act like coffee). Please consult with the therapist.
Stress Relief can be used for school anxiety. In the morning 1 tablet, in the evening 2 tablets (approved from 18 years). Alternatively, 25 drops in water before bedtime (approved also for children under 12 years – after consultation with the doctor).
Yes, but the doctor should be consulted, as there is no sufficiently documented experience of use during pregnancy and lactation. Specific risks for use during pregnancy and lactation are not known.
Stress Relief can be taken over a longer period of time. If your symptoms have not improved after one week, please consult your doctor or alternative practitioner.
One lets the tablets melt in the mouth. Then the effect can already start via the oral mucosa. But it is also possible to swallow the tablets with sufficient liquid.
Yes, you can disintegrate them in water and administer them through the stomach tube.
There is no health hazard due to the small amount of mercury contained. The amount of mercury in a maximum daily dose of 24 tablets from the active ingredient Cinnabaris D3 (mercury sulfide) is 109 µg and from the active ingredient Mercurius bijodatus D9 (mercury iodide) 0.00078 µg. Cinnabaris exhibits extremely low solubility and thus almost no absorption. Therefore, toxicological effects are not expected at the applied amount. Mercurius bijodatus is present in a materially negligible amount, so that toxicological effects can be excluded.
In thyroid diseases Hevert Sinus Relief should not be used without medical advice. In practice, Hevert Sinus Relief is contraindicated only in cases of absolute iodine prohibition, e.g. hot nodules and acute Hashimoto's thyroiditis. The ingredients Mercurius bijodatus D9 and Spongia D6 give a very low iodine content of 0.06 ng per tablet.
Hevert Sinus Relief is a homeopathic medicine whose active ingredients are contained in the tablet as lactose trituration. The total amount of lactose in one tablet is about 245 mg. In relatively common lactose intolerance, lactose in small amounts is usually tolerated. However, if due to high sensitivity even very small amounts of lactose cause symptoms, it is not recommended to take Hevert Sinus Relief.
Hevert Sinus Relief contains, among other things, the homeopathic active ingredient Echinacea D2. The degree of dilution is therefore 1:100. Echinacea influences the immune system by stimulating, among other things, leukocyte production and the body's non- specific immune defense. Therefore, it is not excluded that Echinacea could have a negative effect on the following diseases: Tuberculosis, leukemia, collagenoses, autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, AIDS diseases, HIV infection or other chronic viral diseases.
As a general precaution, Hevert Sinus Relief should only be taken during pregnancy and lactation after consultation with the doctor, as there is insufficient documented experience.
Hevert Sinus Relief is suitable for children from 6 months. Infants can take the tablets crushed together with food or drink.
Hevert Sinus Relief should not be used for longer than 8 weeks without medical advice. Chronic sinusitis, in which the inflammatory process has been going on for a long time, may in some cases require a period of use of several weeks. It makes sense to continue the
Apis: from a specially authorized breeder in Germany. The bees are constantly checked for diseases and the husbandry meets organic criteria. Lachesis: The venom of the bushmaster snake comes from South America. The import of Lachesis is controlled by the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and the EU Endangered Species Regulation, as are all exports, imports and re-exports of live and dead animals and plants or the parts and products derived from them.
Hevert Stomach Relief tablets are used in neurovegetative or stress-related gastric disorders for the natural regulation of disturbed gastric function (e.g. cramping stomach complaints, flatulence, bloating, nausea, heartburn). There are no known interactions with e.g. proton pump inhibitors, antacids or NSAIDs.
Yes, 3 active ingredients in this complex act on nausea: Nux vomica, Ipecacuanha and Carbo vegetabilis.
Thank you for your questions and the interest in Stress Relief. Stress Relief can be taken along with conventional medicines, such as SSRI. Interactions with allopathic medicines are not known. Valeriana may interact with CNS depressant substances such as benzodiazepines. However, only as a concentrated herbal extract. In Stress Relief Valeriana is present as a homeopathic attenuation D2, so such interactions are not expected. In the Stress Relief study, measuring increasing alpha wave intensity in the brain, there was no investigation on the pharmacological mode of action. Therefore we cannot say which receptors are triggered by the active ingredients of Stress Relief.
Stress Relief all: This is a well-known phenomenon. We speak of the so-called reversal reaction or first worsening. If there is an intolerance to valerian, this medication is unsuitable. (Valerian can act like coffee). Please consult with the therapist.
Stress Relief can be used for school anxiety. In the morning 1 tablet, in the evening 2 tablets (approved from 18 years). Alternatively, 25 drops in water before bedtime (approved also for children under 12 years – after consultation with the doctor).
Yes, but the doctor should be consulted, as there is no sufficiently documented experience of use during pregnancy and lactation. Specific risks for use during pregnancy and lactation are not known.
Stress Relief can be taken over a longer period of time. If your symptoms have not improved after one week, please consult your doctor or alternative practitioner.
One lets the tablets melt in the mouth. Then the effect can already start via the oral mucosa. But it is also possible to swallow the tablets with sufficient liquid.
Yes, you can disintegrate them in water and administer them through the stomach tube.
There is no health hazard due to the small amount of mercury contained. The amount of mercury in a maximum daily dose of 24 tablets from the active ingredient Cinnabaris D3 (mercury sulfide) is 109 µg and from the active ingredient Mercurius bijodatus D9 (mercury iodide) 0.00078 µg. Cinnabaris exhibits extremely low solubility and thus almost no absorption. Therefore, toxicological effects are not expected at the applied amount. Mercurius bijodatus is present in a materially negligible amount, so that toxicological effects can be excluded.
In thyroid diseases Hevert Sinus Relief should not be used without medical advice. In practice, Hevert Sinus Relief is contraindicated only in cases of absolute iodine prohibition, e.g. hot nodules and acute Hashimoto's thyroiditis. The ingredients Mercurius bijodatus D9 and Spongia D6 give a very low iodine content of 0.06 ng per tablet.
Hevert Sinus Relief is a homeopathic medicine whose active ingredients are contained in the tablet as lactose trituration. The total amount of lactose in one tablet is about 245 mg. In relatively common lactose intolerance, lactose in small amounts is usually tolerated. However, if due to high sensitivity even very small amounts of lactose cause symptoms, it is not recommended to take Hevert Sinus Relief.
Hevert Sinus Relief contains, among other things, the homeopathic active ingredient Echinacea D2. The degree of dilution is therefore 1:100. Echinacea influences the immune system by stimulating, among other things, leukocyte production and the body's non- specific immune defense. Therefore, it is not excluded that Echinacea could have a negative effect on the following diseases: Tuberculosis, leukemia, collagenoses, autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, AIDS diseases, HIV infection or other chronic viral diseases.
As a general precaution, Hevert Sinus Relief should only be taken during pregnancy and lactation after consultation with the doctor, as there is insufficient documented experience.
Hevert Sinus Relief is suitable for children from 6 months. Infants can take the tablets crushed together with food or drink.
Hevert Sinus Relief should not be used for longer than 8 weeks without medical advice. Chronic sinusitis, in which the inflammatory process has been going on for a long time, may in some cases require a period of use of several weeks. It makes sense to continue the
Apis: from a specially authorized breeder in Germany. The bees are constantly checked for diseases and the husbandry meets organic criteria. Lachesis: The venom of the bushmaster snake comes from South America. The import of Lachesis is controlled by the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and the EU Endangered Species Regulation, as are all exports, imports and re-exports of live and dead animals and plants or the parts and products derived from them.